
15 噸
衝程自由調整 5~55 mm
衝程數 ( 連動 )165 次 ( 單動 )55 次
開模高度 310mm
固定上模孔 14mm x pz200
模孔徑 25.4 × 40 mm
合模高度 255 mm 以下
床面面積 540 × 320 mm
床面孔徑 80 × 265 mm
馬達 三相 5 馬力
總重量 1020 Kg
最大尺寸 1230x680x1300


•  床面面積大、容易操作、保養簡單。
•  採用氣壓式離合器可適於高速作業或特別慢緩速作業。
•  工作行程可隨意調整5~55mm。
•  單動運轉、寸動運轉或連續運轉可由一旋轉開關切換。
•  上模板採用模心夾板孔及14mmpz200mm來自由選擇固定上模方式。
•  雙剎車裝置可自由調整滑塊阻力使滑塊穩定不下墜。
•  本機台主曲軸固定方式是採用軸承及合銅雙層固定方法,使其穩定度和精準度更加確實及精準。
•  控制器採用最新IC集體控制迴路設計,動作準確,可防二次沖壓。
•  飛輪採用B型皮帶三溝槽使捉力強度提升也使皮帶更加耐磨。
•  I.C.可調式電動間歇注油機。
1. 給油時間與給油油量之控制,是採用I.C.迴路控制裝置,精確度高且耐用性佳。
2. 設有壓力調整閥並且裝有壓力表,可依所需在0-15kg/cm2兼做適度調整。
3. 給油量依你所需,調整那旋鈕至所需之位置,則本機將精確地供應所需之量,充分顯示出本機種之特性。
4. 給油方式採連續給油與間歇給油,操作時依你所需,調整時間旋鈕,從0-180分/秒間做適度的調整。
5. 注油機採用最精密、高性能無噪音齒輪幫浦,馬達採用WLP公司之標準馬達。故本裝置使用時寂靜、無聲、耐用性佳。







•  The large area of table.Easy to use. Keeps in good repair.
•  Pneumatic clutch is suitable for high speed work or particularly slow speed work.
•  Press distance can be adjusted.(5~55mm) also provides custom design.
•  Continuous movement or inching operation or single movement can be selected.
•  The upper template adopts the mold core splint hole and 14mm * pz200mm freely to choose the fixed upper mold.
•  Double brake device can freely adjust the slider resistance to make the slider stable and not fall.
•  The main crankshaft of this machine is fixed by a double-layer method of bearing and copper, which makes its stability and accuracy more precise and precise and more wear-resistant.
•  The controller is designed by using the lastest integrated control circuit concept, has a accurate.
•  The flywheel uses B-belt three grooves to increase the strength of the catching force and make the belt more wear-resistant.
•  I.C. Electrically Intermittent Oil Pump.
1. The oiling time and oiling amount are controlled by the I.C. circuit control device carefully designed by our company, with high accuracy and good durability.
2. Equipped with a pressure adjustment valve and a pressure gauge, it can be adjusted appropriately at 0-15kg / cm2 as required.
3. According to your needs, adjust the knob to the required positio
n, and the machine will accurately supply the required amount, fully showing the characteristics of the machine. 4. The method of oil supply is continuous oil supply and intermittent oil supply. When operating, adjust the time knob according to your needs and make a moderate adjustment from 0-180 minutes / second.
5. oil feeder pump of the highly accurate and heavy duty WLP pump, motor of the superior induction type motor designed and produced by WLP.

15 tons
Adjusted Press Distance 5~55 mm
S.P.M 165(Cntinuous)55(Single)
Mold height 310mm
Die hold position 14mm×pz200
Mold Cavity Diameter 25.4 × 40 mm
Height of combined Mold less then 255
Area Of Table 540 × 320mm
Table Cavity Diameter 80 × 265mm
Motor 5Kw × P
Total Weight 1020 Kg
biggest size 1230×680×1300


Precision press suitable for the use in electric industry, electyonic industry, electric terminal industry, watch industry, camera industry, computer adaptor industry, heat reducer industry, and small-size part assembly industry. Continuous and single move-ment of the press makes itself suitable for continuous mold pressing.

Direction to use

The direction documents and assemble diagrams are provided.
地址:桃園市蘆竹區南山路三段17巷2弄21號  電話:(03)324-9078~9 傳真:(03)324-6995  統一編號:86196448 